Peru Travel Tips What to do World travel

Best Museums to Visit While in lockdown

Coronovirus pandemic is definitely affecting our lives, but there are still tons of activities you can do virtually, such as visiting museums. This activity is particularly fun and can help you fulfil your desire of being in another place (even if it’s a virtual visit), but this is the time to adjust to the situation and find things to do that can help us cope with this unique and peculiar moment of our history. Also, if you were planning a visit to Peru in this list we also included some of the best Peruvian museums so that you can have a little taste of what you will experience during your future trip to Peru. We know it is going to be soon! ? 

So here a list of museums and art collections that we compile for your use. We got to help each other to overcome these difficult times. We chose to list them in alphabetical order, there is no order of importance or preference here! ?

  • Art Institute, Chicago, US: The museum has a wide collection with art pieces from different ages. Apart from the collection you can also find other interesting writing and reading resources on their website.
  • Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy: Here you can find a collection of Renaissance, and you can enjoy paintings by Sandro Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raffaello, Giotto among others…let’s say the greatest Italian painters of all times. There is also a sculpture section with Greek and Roman arts pieces.
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, US: The MET has three locations, all temporary closed and here you can enjoy 5000 years of art in one place.
  • Museé du Louvre, Paris, France: On the website of the most famous and largest museum in the world you can take several virtual tours and learn about specific artwork of your interest. 
  • Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain: Here you can enjoy works from Titian, El Greco, Goya, Ruben, van Dyck among others. The collection is quite monumental and you can choose to navigate it by artist or by theme such as saints, social realism, portrait, trades and professions.
  • Museo de Sitio Pachacamac, Lima, Perú: this museum is located at 32 km south of Lima and it is one of the largest archeological complex in the country. Pachacamac was a sacred site named after the Goda Pacha Kamaq. In the museum you can enjoy several artworks, pottery and textiles from several cultures, among them Wari and Chimu.
  • Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy: On the Pinacoteca’s website you can find the collection divided by historic phases, from 4000 B.C. to 2000. Every painting is in hype definition, so that you can enjoy them at the most, especially if you are an art expert.
  • Tate Gallery, London, England: On their website you can find the British collection from 1500 to contemporary art, and learn about artists and the meaning of their works. There are also interesting resources for creative people and creative activities for kids. It is definitely worth a virtual visit!
  • Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Here you can find information on the famous painter, tips and interesting resources for creative people and also activities to make with kids during this lockdown time. 

So no excuses then, let’s take this opportunity we have to stay home to do something productive, and learn about artists and their artwork. 

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