Food Peru Travel Tips

5 Staple Dishes you cannot miss while in Peru

All right, now everything is set for your Peru trip, you got your flights, your accommodation, all the transportation you will need is booked and you can just relax before you leave. Meanwhile we suggest to start getting into Peruvian culture learning some Spanish words essential to survive during your trip, learn about Peruvian culture and start checking on restaurants to book for lunch or dinner, dishes you wanna try, market you do not want to miss. As you already know Peruvian cuisine is one of the most popular and well-known in the world and I am pretty sure that one of the things you do not want to miss is tasting a good ceviche and get to know the wonder and gems of our food culture. Here a list of dishes you must tr before leaving Peru.  

  • Ceviche: This is the most popular Peruvian dish in the world. Many times, when we talk about Peru with a foreigner, then we end up talking about ceviche and its amazing and delicious taste. If you want to try the traditional ceviche we suggest to do it in Lima, since the dish is from the coastal region of Peru. Also remember that the fish used for making ceviche has to be extremely fresh. Since fishmen boats goes out very early in the morning and go back before lunch, restaurants in Lima serve ceviche only for lunch. Even tough you could find ceviche at night in some restaurants, it is not very common. 

  • Lomo saltado: This dish comes from the union of Peruvian tradition and Chinese cuisine. The dish is made of marinated strips of sirloin, or other beef steak, red onion, tomatoes, Peruvian yellow aji chilies, French fries, served with rice, cooked at Peruvian style.  The combination of ingredients create a unique flavors, you will love it! This dish is pretty easy to find in any restaurant and Peruvian very often eat it for lunch during the week. 

  • Causa: This is considered an appetizer but it is a very reach dish, made of Peruvian yellow potatoes, avocado (we call it palta), mayonnaise and an ingredient of your choice. That means that it could be chicken, vegetables, prawns, tuna. The combination of flavors is delicious. 

  • Aji de gallina: this is a chicken-based dish and usually Peruvians eat during the week at least once. Also expats and visitors love it for its amazing taste. It’s a spicy and creamy chicken stews served with Peruvian style steam rice and a boiled egg. In some restaurants you can also find black olives on top. 

  • Papas a la Huancayna: this is also considered a starter, very common in restaurants and street stalls. Sliced of boiled Peruvian potatoes topped with a velvety sauce made of yellow aji pepper, evaporated milk, oil, fresh cheese and crackers. The name comes from the fact that traditionally the potatoes used to prepare the dish came from Huancayo area in the region called Junin.  

What are you waiting for? Come to Peru and taste our traditional cuisine. 

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