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Food Peru Travel What to do

Best Outdoor Dining Experiences in Lima

COVID-19 has changed several aspects of our lives, and it has also changed our dining habits. We now prefer outdoor restaurants and dining places to the fancy indoor restaurants, since we definitely feel safer there. That is why we want to give you some of the best outdoor dining options in Lima, so that you can enjoy our delicious food without any risk and being able to fully enjoy the dining experience. Yes, that is what it’s about, having a meal in one of these restaurants is a true life-changing “experience”.

  • Huaca Pucllana Restaurant ( this restaurant is merged into an ancient pre-Incan Huaca, located in the middle of Miraflores district. You will dine outdoor with a stunning view of the Huaca enjoying delicious traditional food with a modern twist. The site is charmingly illuminated at night, so we suggest to have a romantic dinner there. 

  • Osaka ( when in Lima do not lose the opportunity to try Nikkei cuisine, a fusion between Peruvian and Japanese food. The result is an amazing mixture of tastes, savors and textures. You will definitely love it. This restaurant is one of the best places to have a real Nikkei experience and get to know it. The restaurant is located in San Isidro district.

  • Astrid & Gastón ( You cannot live Lima without dining at this restaurant if you are a foodie. Here you can catch the real essence of Peruvian food. Do not forget to try their delicious drinks as well.

  • La Plazita ( this is a more casual option, where ou can find gourmet Peruvian traditional food in the heart of Miraflores district. This is a real win-win option for lunch if you want to try Peruvian cuisine in a casual atmosphere.

  • La Lucha Sanguchería ( Are you more in fast food style dining experience? You do not want something too fancy and you’re looking for comfort food and fast meal? This is the perfect option for you. The chain has several points in the main Lima’s districts. This is a sort of Peruvian fast-food, where you can taste delicious sandwiches, native fried potatoes or sweet potatoes, that we call camote, and delicious juices and shakes with local fruits. We definitely recommend his option if you are looking for a real Peruvian experience. Many locals dine there as well during the week.  

  • Cebichería La Mar ( this is not a suggestion, but take it more as an order: do not live Lima without tasting a real ceviche. Ceviche is the traditional dish from Peruvian coast, made of marinated fish, Peruvian boiled corn and sweet potatoes. At this historical restaurant you can taste the real essence of Peruvian ceviche, as well as other delicious seafood dishes. The restaurant is located in Miraflores district.

As you can see there are plenty of options for outdoor dining in Lima. COme to Peru and discover our amazing food culture.  


Huaca Puccllana Restaurant 

Calle General Borgoño, Miraflores
T: +51 (1) 445 4042  

Osaka Restaurant 

Felipe Pardo y Aliaga 660, San Isidro
Phone: +51 (1) 222 0405 

Astrid & Gastón 

Av. Paz Soldán 290,San Isidro 

Phone: +51 1 4422777 

La Plazita Restaurant 

San Fernando 380, Miraflores, Lima 

Phone: +51 994 972 336 

La Lucha Sanguchería 


Cebichería La Mar 

Calle Mariscal La Mar 770, Miraflores 

Phone: +5114213365 


Peru Peru Destinations Travel Travel Tips

Best outdoor sites to visit in Lima

Tourism has changed due to COVID-19 pandemic and travelers are often looking for outdoor places to visit and outdoor activities during their trips. Fortunately, Lima and other Peruvian destinations have a lot to offer on this side. Lima has also a mild climate; temperatures do not drop drastically in winter and it is never rainy, so it is possible to keep staying outdoor even in the cold season. 

Here a list of outdoor places you can visit while in Lima: 

  • Huaca Pucllana: we have already talked about this archeological site in the middle of Miraflores district here ( It’s easy to reach even on foot if you are staying in Miraflores or San Isidro districts. Ther you can visit the site and also dine at the restaurant located inside.

  • Mercado 28 ( when in Lima you cannot miss the opportunity to discover Peruvian food and this place is definitely what you are looking for. Several food stalls from different restaurants in the country who serve their main dishes. There you can find traditional Peruvian food, chifanikkeiwich is a fusion of Peruvian and Japanese food, traditional Peruvian desserts and much more. All in an open space, so it is quite a good option for your meals in the capital city.

  • Miraflores and Barranco’s Malecon: those are the best places to enjoy the breeze of the Pacific Ocean and its charm. Grab some snack and have a picnic there, you will have a peaceful afternoon in a quite outdoor place and enjoy beautiful view. Also, there are plenty of activities you can do, such as biking along the Malecon or paragliding.

  • Parque de las Leyendas ( if you are traveling with kids that’s a pretty good option to make them happyIt is a zoo where you can find archeological sites, a botanic garden with trees from all over the world, and learn a lot about Peru and its culture.

  • Lima city centre: a stroll in the city centre is a good way to get in touch with Peruvian culture and history. Visit Lima’s main square, called Plaza de Armas, with the cathedral, the bronze fountain in the centre, the Archibishop’s Palace and the presidential palaceThis square is UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Parque de la reserva ( the park, a Lima city icon, is located in downtown Lima and there you can find the Magic Water CircuitThe park has thirteen cybernetic fountains which combined with music and colorful laser lights create a magic and attractive show surrounded by Art Deco style architecture.

Parque de la reserva ( the park, a Lima city icon, is located in downtown Lima and there you can find the Magic Water CircuitThe park has thirteen cybernetic fountains which combined with music and colorful laser lights create a magic and attractive show surrounded by Art Deco style architecture.

Peru Travel Travel Tips World travel

Tips for traveling during pandemic

With the increase of people getting vaccinated all over the world and the drop in infection rates in many countries, we can definitely say that travel is becoming a lot safer now and tourism is recoveringAlso the fact that people are more used to live respecting the usual safety measures such as washing their hands and wearing a mask indoor is helping. 

Here few tips you need to take in account while planning your next trip:

  • Test yourself. Take a COVID-19 test before leaving, ideally the day before and once you are back home. Even if you are vaccinated you might want to take the test to check your status. Some countries require a negative test to get in even if you are vaccinated, so you have to check the specific requirements for each destination. As for Peru, a negative PCR test issued up to 72 hours before boarding or a negative antigen test issued up to 24 hours before boarding is required. 

  • Use Masks or face shields. Bring with you the necessary amount of FFP2 masks and change them after 8 hours. If you prefer use a face shield to better protect you on the plane and indoor. 

  • Hand hygiene. Handwashing is the best way to protect yourself, so keep washing your hands frequently with soap and water for an extended period of time and using hand sanitizer if you do not have a place to wash your hands. Hand sanitizer must have at least 60% of alcohol in it. 

  • Bring antibacterial wipes. Bring them with you to clean up and disinfect hotel room or apartment’s doorknobs, light switches, surfaces and bathrooms. Just to be on the safe side.

  • Plan carefully your trip. Plan your trip in a smart way trying to avoid unsafe activities, such as going to crowded indoor places. Schedule in advance your visit to archeological sites, museums, parks, etc. Make the necessary restaurant reservations to ensure you have a table booked, many restaurants may have reduceavailable tables due to COVID-19 restrictions.

  • Enjoy your trip! Do not obsess and try to fully enjoy your trip. 

Even if things have changed and we are living in a different world today, we believe that we can still keep doing things we love using all the necessary measures to keep ourself and other people safe. So, travel, enjoy yourself, but do it in a smart way. The help of local people and an experienced travel operator could be crucial for your trip. 

Peru Travel Travel Tips What to do

How to stay safe while Traveling

We have many clients who love to travel but have found themselves unsure of how to be safe and stay healthy while doing so, especially with COVID-19 still circling the world. After consulting with them and with our team, we’ve found a couple of tips and tricks for you. Of course, the easier way to stay as safe as possible is to get fully vaccinated. It will help you to have much less stress about the trip.

Now onto the tips!

Essential items  

Disinfectants – We would never go anywhere without a disinfectant and CLOROX wipes (we use these to wipe down chairs and tables, they’re especially useful on planes, buses, and other public areas). 

Foto de Anna Shvets en Pexels 

Mask – Does this even need an explanation? Carrying more than one surgical mask is better, just in case, and wear them whenever you’re inside to protect yourself and others.

Foto de Anna Shvets en Pexels 

Social Distancing – This is always good to practice, not just while traveling. The farther away from strangers, you are, the safer you are. If you do find yourself in close quarters with others, make sure to wear your mask. 

Foto de Kate Trifo en Pexels 

Stay hydrated – Regular advice for when you travel but very important to stay healthy. You should drink about half a gallon or 2 liters of water every day 

And finally the most important: 

WASH YOUR HANDS! The easiest and most convenient way to stay safe and healthy. Wash your hands whenever you get a chance and especially before eating or doing activities that require the use of your hands. 

Those are all of our tips to be safe and healthy while traveling. We hope they’ll help you as much as they’ve helped us. Please check out our post about the requirements to travel to Peru so you can put some of these tips to use. Happy adventuring! 

Peru Travel Tips What to do World travel

Best Museums to Visit While in lockdown

Coronovirus pandemic is definitely affecting our lives, but there are still tons of activities you can do virtually, such as visiting museums. This activity is particularly fun and can help you fulfil your desire of being in another place (even if it’s a virtual visit), but this is the time to adjust to the situation and find things to do that can help us cope with this unique and peculiar moment of our history. Also, if you were planning a visit to Peru in this list we also included some of the best Peruvian museums so that you can have a little taste of what you will experience during your future trip to Peru. We know it is going to be soon! ? 

So here a list of museums and art collections that we compile for your use. We got to help each other to overcome these difficult times. We chose to list them in alphabetical order, there is no order of importance or preference here! ?

  • Art Institute, Chicago, US: The museum has a wide collection with art pieces from different ages. Apart from the collection you can also find other interesting writing and reading resources on their website.
  • Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy: Here you can find a collection of Renaissance, and you can enjoy paintings by Sandro Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raffaello, Giotto among others…let’s say the greatest Italian painters of all times. There is also a sculpture section with Greek and Roman arts pieces.
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, US: The MET has three locations, all temporary closed and here you can enjoy 5000 years of art in one place.
  • Museé du Louvre, Paris, France: On the website of the most famous and largest museum in the world you can take several virtual tours and learn about specific artwork of your interest. 
  • Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain: Here you can enjoy works from Titian, El Greco, Goya, Ruben, van Dyck among others. The collection is quite monumental and you can choose to navigate it by artist or by theme such as saints, social realism, portrait, trades and professions.
  • Museo de Sitio Pachacamac, Lima, Perú: this museum is located at 32 km south of Lima and it is one of the largest archeological complex in the country. Pachacamac was a sacred site named after the Goda Pacha Kamaq. In the museum you can enjoy several artworks, pottery and textiles from several cultures, among them Wari and Chimu.
  • Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy: On the Pinacoteca’s website you can find the collection divided by historic phases, from 4000 B.C. to 2000. Every painting is in hype definition, so that you can enjoy them at the most, especially if you are an art expert.
  • Tate Gallery, London, England: On their website you can find the British collection from 1500 to contemporary art, and learn about artists and the meaning of their works. There are also interesting resources for creative people and creative activities for kids. It is definitely worth a virtual visit!
  • Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Here you can find information on the famous painter, tips and interesting resources for creative people and also activities to make with kids during this lockdown time. 

So no excuses then, let’s take this opportunity we have to stay home to do something productive, and learn about artists and their artwork. 

Cusco Machu Picchu Peru Peru Destinations Sacred Valley Travel Tips

Mara Salt Mines: All you need to know before going there

Mara Salt Mines, known in Spanish language as “Las Salineras de Maras” are one of Peruvian’s main attractions for tourists going to the Sacred Valley. If you decide to head to the Sacred Valley on your way to Machu Picchu or on your way back to Cusco, you usually visit PisacOllantaytambo, Maras and Moray which are in the touristic circuit. You should definitely pay a visit to the famous Maras salt mines, located in the Urubamba province, approximately an hour and half from the popular city of Cusco. The salt mines have been fully operational from the pre-Incan times, it’s believed that they were constructed by the Wari civilization. Actually, we should call them salt pans since mines is not a proper word to describe them. They are thousands of pans filled with salt water which evaporates and leaves the crystallized salt in beautiful shapes. The members of the community in the area carefully scrape the salt crystals from the surface. Once all the crystals are scraped, the pans is once again filled with salt water. There are approximately 6000 pans in the area and they are managed by local families. 

As for June 15, 2019 Peruvian MaraSal S.A., which owns the salt mines, has issued a letter to tour operators and Peruvian tourism authorities, about the access restrictions for tourists, that can no longer reach the salty water pools for preservation and health reasons. Contaminants, such as disposable plastic, paper, hair, cigarette stubs have been found in the ponds due to the increasing number of visitors and this could be extremely dangerous since the salt from the mines is consumed and sold in Peru and abroad. So if you are planning to visit this charming site, your tour will end at the viewpoint where you can take beautiful pictures of the mines but you can no longer have a walk through the salty pools. 

Apart from the restrictions we can ensure that the visit is one of a kind, you will enjoy a charming scenery, you can stll see the salt ponds from the top and a have the opportunity to take stunning pictures. Before leaving, pay a visit to the souvenir shops where you can by Maras salt and bring it back home as souvenir, perhaps for your foodie friends. This salt is great for cooking, but it also has medical properties, it contains zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium and it is great to treat skin conditions and swelling.  

Cusco Machu Picchu Peru Peru Destinations Travel Tips

Machu Picchu for Disabled People

Reaching Machu Picchu is not so challenging as it was in the past for disabled people, and this is something important and essential in the XXI century. Machu Picchu has been considered one of the less accessible place in the world for yearsWe all know that visiting this special archeological site is once-in-a-lifetime experience for many travelers and now this wonderful place is finally accessibile to people with reduced mobility. So if you are a person with motor disability you can now enjoy Machu Picchu like anyone else.

As for the beginning of 2018 most of the spots in the ancient ciutadel were accessibile to people with disabilities, obviously not all the areas are accessibile, due to Machu Picchu’s geography and mountainous nature. However, you will be able to visit the site, to feel Machu Picchu special Energy,  to take great pictures and to enjoy stunning views of this world’s wonder. 

But let’s start from the beginning. To reach Macchu Picchu you have to do several stopsalong the way. First of all you need to get to Cusco from Lima, we suggest you to fly into Cusco, it is faster and easier. Lima’s airport is fully equipped for people with disabilities, as well as Cusco’s. Once you get there you have two options: spend the night in Cusco or be transferred to the Sacred Valley. This is actually a recommended choice if you prefer to avoid altitude sickness, which could bea n issue. Sacred Valley is placed at a lower altitude compared to Cusco, so you might prefer to spend the night there and relax before doing any tour or experience. There are several bus companies equipped for disabled travelers, or you can just take a private taxi to reach the Sacred Valley. Once you are in Ollantaytambo, you need to take the train to Machu Picchu Pueblo. Inca Train’s personnel can assist you getting on and up the train. Once you are there you have to make the last leg of the trip: the bus ride to Machu Picchu ciutadel. The bus is equipped for people with reduced mobility.

It would be advisable to travel with a support group or a travel buddy. Also, there are travel agencies specialized in customized travel packages for disabled people, in case you prefer to travel on your own. They are able to ensure all the assistance you might need.

In any case we suggest you to book in advance your train ticket and your Macchu Picchu entry ticket, at least three months before your trip. Also, try to book in advance your accommodation, especially if you are planning to travel in high season. Thease are the reccommendations we usually give to all of our travellers.

We can say that Peru is becoming a more inclusive tourism destination, and we couldn’t be happier and more proud for it.

Nazca Peru Peru Destinations Travel Travel Tips What to do

Huacachina: A Unique Oasis in the Middle of the Desert

Peru has many arqueological sites to visit and it has become in the last decades a great spot for culinary tours as well, but the country also offers some unique places where you can relax and have fun, such as Huacachina, a tiny town in central Peru. This is a unique oasis in the middle of Peruvian desert, located in the province of Ica. You can reach Huacachina with a 5-hour bus ride from Lima capital city to Ica and then a short 10-minute bus or taxi ride from Ica to Huacachina. The desert oasis is located south of Lima and is considered a paradisiac place with palms and a blue-green lagoon where you can engaged in multiple activities and also relax. This testify the variety of landscapes you can find in Peru. The town is very small, so you can just easily walk from a side to the other, with no traffic stress. It is a very relaxing place!

Huacachina developed around a little blue-green lagoon, whose water are considered very powerful to heel medical problems such as asma. Around the lagoon several resorts, low-budget hostels and restaurants have popped up since 15 years. Everything is sorrounded by huge sand dunes, ideal for sport activities, such as buggies and sand boarding.

Here a list of things you can do once in Huacachina:

Sand-Boarding tour: The huge sand dunes are the main attraction of the oasis, especially for people who love to engage in active holidays. You can just rent a board in the street of you have previous experience or you are a surf or snowboarding fan or you can take a tour with a professional instructor that will explain how to surf the dunes and you also have the possibility to choose the right sand board for you. It is very common to see tourists riding the sandboarding on their stomach or like a sled, since it is not very easy to do it on your feet. But we can ensure that it’s a lot of fun, especially if you go with your family or a group of friends.

Buggies: Another tour option is to rent four-wheel-drive dune buggies and go up and down the dunes with a professional driver. This tour is offered by the majority of hotels and hostels in Huacachina. We suggest you to take the afternoon tour, since the sun is not so strong as in the morning and the risk of sunburn is definitely lower. Also it is a great way to stop on the dunes and enjoy the beautiful sunset on the desert.

Winery Tour: As I said before Huacachina is only a short bus or taxi ride from Ica, a town very famous for its wineyards. So do not miss the opportunity to do a winery tour before heading back to Lima or visiting another Peru’s destination. In Ica you will find many wine “bodegas” that produce a sweet red wine and also the famous national Peruvian spirit: Pisco. There are traditional linerie that use old production methods and more industrial wineries in the area which use more modern machinery to process their wine and Pisco. During the tour you will learn about the production process and have the chance to taste several types of wine and Pisco varities. Among the most famous wine and Pisco “bodegas” that you can visit in Ica there are Tacama (, Vista Alegre (, Ocucaje ( and El Catador ( Obviously you will also have the opportunity to buy wines and Piscos directly in the “bodega” if you want to do so.

Paddle in the lagoon: another activity you can do is to rent paddle boat and go around the little lagoon or swim in the lagoon, but take in account that the water is not particulary clean, so we actually suggest to avoid swimming in there.

Sunset on the desert: this activity is perfect if you love travel photography and you want to take amazing snapshots of the sun descending on the sand dunes. So just have a late afternoon walk and be prepared with your camara equipment to take amazing pic of the sunset.

Regional Museum of Ica: if you are into a more cultural kind of holiday you can visit the Regional Museum of Ica where you will find a collection of pre-hispanic pottery, mummies, textiles, wooden instruments and soft metals from the Paracas and Nazca civilizations.

Just Relax: almost every resort and hostel in Huacachina has private pools, so if you want to relax in the pool and enjoy the sunlight during the day, Huacachina is the perfect spot for you.

For more information on the best Peruvian destinations and the best travel tips just stay tuned!

Cusco Peru Peru Destinations Travel Tips What to do

The Best Active Holidays Routes in Peru

Peru is a perfect travel choice for those of you loving active holidays and looking for a grain of adventure in their trip. The country has some of the most attractive trekking routes in the world and it offers the most amazing and exciting activities in South America. From the classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu to the most off the beaten trekking paths in the central Peruvian highlands, such as Huaraz area, from the exciting zipline experience to the highest dining experience ever in Lima with “Dinner in the Sky”. Here a list of activities you should definitely consider if you are an adventurous trip lover.

  • Inca Trail: this is the classic trekking experience in Peru that trekking passionates cannot miss. It is quite prosaic saying that the route is amazing and you will enjoy beautiful view of the Sacred Valley with the Andes chain at the background and the magnificence of the Inca ruins all around. That’s an amazing experience that will take you directly to the Machu Picchu ciutadel. We suggest you to book well in advance your permit to do the Inca trail, since this is the most requested activity for Peru trip. We have already talked about the Inca trail and other hiking routes you could consider doing instead of the inca trail in this article (, so have  a look at it!

  • Ausangate Trek: this is a one-day trek experience that will take you to the Rainbow Mountain, considered nowadays one of the most popular attractions in Peru. You can hike the route by yourself or you can rent a horse to make the experience a bit lighter. This is up to you and your physical state. Once you reach the famous rainbow moutnain you will enjoy an amazing and not-ordinary colourful landscape. Do not forget your camara!

  • Zip Line and Via Ferrata: This is an exciting activity that you can do in the Sacred Valley. There are several zip lines (they are seven interconnected ziplines), also ideal for people without any previous experience. Via Ferrata is a type of steel ladder and cable system that runs along the Sacred Valley mountains, it has installed a special security system that make it ideal for people with no climbing experience as well. This experience will be absolutely adrenaly pumping for you.

  • Rafting in the Urubamba River: This is another activity you can be engaged in the Sacred Valley. It is very fun to do as family activity or group activity with your friends for instance. You will raft the rapids of class 2 and 3 of the Urubamba river. During the activity you will have the chance to enjoy beautiful panoramic landscapes on the river shores and you will get to know Peruvian flora as well, enjoying flowers species and plants. There are several companies that will rent you all the necessary equipment for this rafting adventure and there will be a tour guide with you the all time, get ready for an exciting experience in Peru!

  • ATV Quad Bike tour in Maras and Moray: you will have the chance to visit Maras and Moray by quad bike, which can be authomatic or semi-authomatic; there is no need to have previous riding experience. During the tour you will have the chance to visit the archeological site of Moray, the Salt Mines and Moray village. This will be the adventure you will never forget!

  • Dinner in the Sky: if you are a food lover and you love to experience foreign food and combine it with adventure and action this is the right experience for you. You will have the chance to enjoy a delicious meal up in the air, up to 45 meters. It is a new experience, arrived in Peru thanks to the Belgium franchise “Dinner in Heaven”at the beginning of 2019, but already popular in more than 70 countries in the world. They have a capacity to serve 22 people and the structure is located nearby Lima, in Lurín. You will enjoy a main course, a dessert and wine. This is definitely a unique dining experience you cannot miss while in Peru.

These are only few of the best adventurous experiences you can live during your Peru trip! Stay tuned for more travel tips and active holidays recommendations.

Peru Peru Destinations Sin categoría Travel Tips What to do

The Best Dining Experiences in Lima For Travel Foodie

Lima has been considered one of the foodie capital since the second decade of the XXI century! The capital city offers many exciting culinary experiences and culinary stops that you cannot miss while in Peru, so as we always suggest a 2-day visit to Lima is something you should definitely include in your Peru’s itinerary. You can opt to spend a couple of days in Lima on your way to Cusco and Machu Picchu or on your way back, this is totally up to you. But if you stop in the capial city, be prepared to enjoy some of the best and most delicious food in the world and a very pleasant and relaxing time in this vibrant city. 

We tried to put together a list of culinary experiences you cannot miss, among our recommendations there are fine dining restaurants, huarique restaurants where you can taste traditional food and also a stop at the local market food stalls. So it is pretty much a mix of different experiences, ideal for every kind of traveller. 

  • Central Restaurant: this is a mandatory stop if yu are a real travel foodie. Central Restaurant by the popular Peruvian Chef Virgilio Martinez, has been awarded as the second best restaurant in Latin America during the 2018 Latin America’s Best Restaurants Awards sponsored by San Pellegrino and Acqua Panna and the sixth best restaurant in the 2018 World’s Best Restaurants List. The tasting menu they porpose is a combination of ancestral Peruvian ingredients from the coastal, mountain and rainforest regions of the country. The restaurant is located in the Barranco district, be aware that it is extremely difficult to find a table, so book and pay for the experience in advance. 

  • Maido Restaurant: this is also a fine dining experience you cannot miss while in Lima. The Restaurant has been considered the “Nikkei Temple”, it has been appointed the best restaurant in Latin America in the San Pellegrino and Acqua Panna List for two years in a row (2017 and 2018) and it is also in the 7th position in the World’s Best Restaurants List. The chef-owner, Mitsuharu Maido, is the “King of Nikkei”, a cuisine style which mixes Peruvian and Japanese basic tequniques. The result is an explosion of flavors, you will definitely enjoy this amazing flavors journey thorughout Peru and Japan. In this case as well, we suggest to book in advance your table. 

  • Isolina Tabern: The popular Peruvian chef José del Castillo has opened Isolina Tabern in the heart of the bohemian district of Barranco few years ago and the restaurant is already n. 13 in the 2018 Latin America’s Best Restaurant List. In this culinary spot you can enjoy dishes from the Peruvian culinary traditions, such as “asado de tiras”, “chicharrón”, “tallarines saltados”, “cau cau con sangrecita” among others. They mainly serve criollo dishes that represent Peruvian gastronomy at its best. If you are planning to go there for your Sunday lunch, be patient since the queue could be quite long.  

  • Kañete Restaurant: this is another culinary spot that we usually suggest to visitors. It is located in the Surquillo district, next to the famous Miraflores area. It is a “huarique” restaurant, which literally means a hidden/secret place, that no so many people are aware of. Here the Chef Israel Laura serves dishes from the Peruvian traditions and a great selection of seafood dishes as well. The well-known chef rescues recipes and ingredients from all over the country, making his menu a real reflection of Peruvian culture and traditions. 

  • Market Food Stalls: if you want to go local and on a budget, pay a visit to the market n. 1 located between Miraflores and Surquillo districts, next to the Ricardo Palma Metropolitano stop. Inside the market you can find some of the greatest food stalls in Lima, where you can have delicious seafood, start from a “leche de tigre” (literally tiger milk) and keep trying a delicious “ceviche” or “jalea de pescado”. You will definitely have an idea of how a real peruvian ceviche should taste. 

  • La Mar Cebicheria: For a fancier “ceviche experience” try this restaurant located in Av. La Mar in Miraflores district, placed N° 17 in the 2018 Latin America’s Best Restaurants List by San Pellegrino and Acqua Panna. It is one of the best places to have fresh seafood cooked in a sublime way using the highest culinary tecnhiques, thanks to the talented Chef Gustavo Montestruque. The result is amizing dishes, happy clients and full bellies! What else you can ask for? Do not miss the opportunity to try a classic “ceviche”, you will not regret it! Please keep in mind that this is a no-reservations spot, and highly popular, so be prepared to queue, it is quite crowded especially at the week-end.

  • Osso Restaurant: this is a real “meat emporio”, managed by the Peruvian chef Renzo Garibaldi. If you are a meat person you cannot miss a visit to this restaurant/butcher’s shop in the heart of La Molina District. Try their artisanal hamburgers, their carpaccio and the dried meat. This culinary spot is n. 25 in the 2018 Latin America’s Best Restaurant List.

  • Amaz Restaurant: this is the temple of the Amazonian kitchen by the famous Peruvian Chef Pedro Miguel Schiaffino. The restaurant, placed at n. 48 in the Latin America’s Best restaurant List of 2018, serves dishes of the Peruvian Amazonian cuisine in the heart of the vibrant Miraflores district. Here you can find the popular “paiche” fish cooked in several ways, “juanes”, “chonta” salad sprinkled with Amazonian nuts, and other amazing flavors from the Peruvian rainforest. Also do not miss the special and delicious cocktails made of Amazon fruit.

  • Mercado 28: we have already talked about this gourmet market where you will find different food stalls here: This is the first gourmet market in Peru, located in Av. 28 de Julio in the heart of Miraflores district. Here you can enjoy several kind of food, from Amazon food to criollo food or delicious sandwiches and fast-food style burgers. There are also several coffee and desserts/ice cream options. The best part is that you will have the opportunità to try several kind of cuisines in one place. Do not miss a stop here for a frugal lunch or a fun dinner while visiting Lima.

  • Truck Park: The park is located in Surquillo district and it is a nice experience for people who love food trucks-style cuisine. Here you will find special sandwiches and burgers, salchipapas, tasty french fries made with Peruvian native potatoes and all kind of fast food dishes along with Peruvian beers station. Sometimes there are also shows scheduled in the patio of the park.

 These are actually just few culinary recommendations in Lima, there will be more to come in the future, so stay tuned!